Monday, June 24, 2024

Splash! Our 2024 Cruising Season begins!


June 24, 2024

First post this cruising season! Last summer, we had to cut our cruising season off early because Dan’s back went out – we left the boat at Winter Harbor Marina, which is on the Erie Canal. It’s about a 9 hour drive from our home. The Erie Canal opened on May 17 this year – We had thought the Kittiwake would be brought out of storage by end of May, but it wasn’t until June 20 that she was splashed.

I admit that I did enjoy the extended time at home – more time to spend with my grandchildren, in the garden, and with friends. We were more than ready, though, by the time we were notified.

We had scheduled some work to be done by the marina staff in connection with the Dinghy Butler we had installed last year. Unfortunately, we have realized that our 34 year old boat had some issues which made the installation and use of the Dinghy Butler unworkable. Our transom (the rear wall of the boat) has taken on water in the past which has weakened the structure. The structure is find for normal operations, just not to support the 600+ pounds of the combined dinghy, motor, and the Dinghy Butler. So, we’ve had the Dinghy Butler un-installed. The terrific owner of Dinghy Butler offered to resell the device for us if we could get it back to him in Maine.

Therefore, we stopped our cleaning and other chores on the Kittiwake, loaded the 200 pounds or so of the Dinghy Butler on to Dan’s truck, and made the 275 mile journey to Kittery, Maine to drop if off. The weather wasn’t great (rain much of the way), but we enjoyed the short trip. On the way back to the boat, we went by way of state roads instead of the interstate – this took us through the states of New Hampshire and Vermont – wow! Such beautiful country!

Now, we are back at the Kittiwake on a cool and rainy day, resuming our chores to get her ready for the cruising season!

Our plans are to spend the summer in Canada, cruising some of the water ways we have heard so much about. Can’t wait to get started!

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