Friday, October 29, 2010

Arizona, New Mexico...check check - HELLO Texas!!

Friday, October 29, 2010
Driving across the rest of Arizona today.  Amazing terrain - first sight of the saguaro cacti, the distinctive one with the arms.  More of the huge hills of just rock, with mountains in the distance.  The are lovely, with the shadows playing across their faces, interesting shapes.  Some looked like just reddish rock, some have sparce green bushes or cacti.  We are paralleling the Mexican border, and yesterday actually went through two Border Patrol checkpoints - apparently we look like plain old honest (old?) white people who wouldn't think of harboring illegal aliens, so we were just waved through. 
Tonight, we are camped in El Paso, in the nicest campground we have encountered,complete with WIFI, hot tub, pool...aaaahhhh!  I didn't realize how big El Paso is - we arrived after dark, and the lights of the city stretch to forever!  Some of the light, I know, are from Juarez, just over the border.  It will take (are you ready for this?) most of THREE days to get across Texas!  Amazing.  No pictures today - the only places we stopped were at truck stops!  And, those pictures I take while the truck is moving at 65 MPH? - not so good!

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