Had the second of four sailing lessons this morning. He put us each into a Sunfish (small) sailboat with a small sail. We were to just sail out and back, first in a circle in the little bay, then in figure eights. I did ok, had a little problem where the mainsail sheet (control rope) was caught on cleat and kept me from being able to control it. Once I figured that out, I did much better. Then, with the instructor's help, I managed to get to the dock. I had one foot on the dock and one in the boat, trying to remove the center board....well, you shouldn't do that! The boat, of course, started moving away, I did a slow splits until I realized that I had to go in the water. Two pieces of good news from the dipping: one, the water actually felt great after three hours of sailing; two, there was no one around with a video camera (that was the first thing Dan asked me after his guffawing stopped!)! I was fine, just swam (with my Mae West-type life preserver) to the sand.
Later, after shower and rest, I went on my bike to a little Cuban market, Fausto's. Turns out they are right across the street from the best ice cream place on Key West - homemade ice cream! So, I had my dessert around 4:00. Returned 'home' around 5:00 to Happy Hour with my neighbors - about 10 of us sitting around. They were mostly comparing insurance plans for their big rigs or talking about camping places they frequent. I was happy to be included though - nice people.
typical Key West bike (with cup holder...) |
probably the best ice cream on Key West.... |
another KW bike - note cup holder on the right handlebar...! |
the garden area of a lovely home.... |
lovely home on Southard... |
back of sculpture at the Customs House |
Customs House, near where the cruise ships come in |
sun setting at the dock where the cruise ships come in |
after sunset - beautiful three-masted schooner going by.. |
sculpture at the Customs House |
more of sunset at the docks... |
the front of the sculpture - the 'guy' laying on his back is dreaming...part of sculpture |
this 'couple' (another sculpture) looking at the sunset |
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