Next stop, Crisfield, Maryland, Somer’s Cove Marina
Crisfield is a little town on the Eastern shore of the
Chesapeake Bay of Maryland. Somer’s Cove
Marina is HUGE, having over 500 slips.
The marina is well run, all the restrooms and showers immaculate, the
docks well-made and maintained, the staff friendly and helpful. There is a bar, where they serve…well, bar
food, and nice slushy drinks. The marina
is state owned and run.
The town is trying to make a comeback after many years in
decline. It is mostly a water town, like
many (most?) on the Eastern shore. After
Super Storm Sandy, which devastated the town, federal monies came in to allow
them to redo many of the main streets, sidewalks, and to build this amazing
marina. In the past, we are told, there
was a 2 to 3 year waiting list to get a permanent slip. However, in recent years, there have been
several townhouse or condo complexes built, each with their own docks. Consequently, there are actually very few
boats in the marina. There are 3 or 4
good restaurants, and we tried them all!
We met some fellow loopers while in Crisfield, Debbie and Joe Martin. They had a big, white, Max-like dog, Abby. Max and Abby really took to each other!
We actually ended up staying in Crisfield longer than we
thought…why, you ask? Well, there is a
boatyard there, Sea Mark, whose owner, Mark Good, is known in the boating
world. He is very familiar with
Bayliners, and we were able to get our generator serviced. We haven’t used it, but Dan really didn’t
want to do the contortion necessary to change the oil and filters!
The other reason we hung around Crisfield was that Mark knows
the owner of Cruiseair Annapolis, one of the largest sellers and servicers of
marine refrigerators, including Vitri Frigo!
Yes, hope was born! Again! Dan talked to him, and, after a few false
starts (we think he just forgot to call), he called Vitri Frigo on our
behalf. His company won’t service our
fridge, since they didn’t sell it to us.
But, he thought contacting the company might help us more than our
contacting them. We had told him about
having the fan replaced before the last failure of the fridge. Here’s the sad sad bottom line: Vitri Frigo did not issue a service bulletin,
but turns out you cannot just replace the fan (as was done for us at Atlantic Yacht Basin) must replace both
the control module and the fan.
Terrific. When the Cruiseair guy
finally talked to Vitri Frigo about the needed parts, he found out that those
parts are in such demand (virtually every VF and Norcold refrigerator owner
needs the same ones), they cannot even tell us when they might be
available. So, that’s that for now. Electric cooler will be it for a while
yet. On with our life.
This next part of the story is hard to tell, and was worse to
live through. Two nights before we left
Crisfield, we were sitting on the dock having some conversation and wine with
new boating friends. Max went onto the
boat, probably to get some water. When
he was coming back to be beside us, the ramp from our boat to the dock came off
the dock, plunging him headfirst into the water. It was dark, the water was dark, and, making
matters much worse, when he came up, it was under the floating dock. He had gone into the water a couple of times,
but was always able to swim until we pulled him out. But the floating docks don’t leave any air
under them, so he struggled over a minute (a long time to be under the water)
trying to find a way out. He was in
pretty bad shape when we got him on the dock, vomiting and shaking. We watched him carefully over the next
couple of days, feeding him a diet of chicken broth and rice. He ate it with appetite and seemed to be
recovering. So, we went on to Tangier
Island. While there, he seemed to
continue to recover, until the second morning when he wouldn’t eat
anything. That’s when we knew he was in
trouble. There is NO veterinarian on the
island, and the closest town was Crisfield, where we had just been, a two hour
cruise away. There is no vet there, but
they do have a car dealership that rents vehicles. We cast off as quickly as we could, got that
rental van in Crisfield, and headed off to Salisbury, which was about 45 miles
To make a long sad story short, Max spent 4 days on oxygen and
broad spectrum antibiotics. He had
developed aspiration and bacterial pneumonia.
We spent the third day next to him on the floor, loving on him, and
praying for his recovery. But, it was
not to be. His old body, riddled with
some really bad arthritis, just couldn’t overcome the pneumonia. That fourth morning, the vet called us and
told us he had taken a turn for the worse.
So, we went, spent a few minutes loving on him and telling him how much
we loved him, and then we let him go. Oh
my, our hearts are broken. That canine
had a really big place in our lives and our hearts.
Now, for a few of our favorite shots of this sweet boy.
When we first met him, May 2015 |
Laura and the boys, (Derek wasn't in pic), when they passed him to us |
Passing on the sweet boy |
He loved his seat in the car or truck - wherever we were! |
In our recently seeded yard, in his Max-sized hole |
Max and sweet Meg, before she left us |
On the Potomac, first trip together |
Maybe his favorite spot in the world - back seat of Dan's truck |
Nice shot in my garden |
Brave hunter Max, lurking in the garden |
Max, the dock dog |
Max on the fly bridge |
Portrait done at Christmas - he wasn't thrilled with the idea... |
Max introduced to the dinghy - not a fan! |
Max in friends', the Sprenkles, yard |