Friday, August 31, 2018

Kingston, NY, August 19, 2018

Our second day on the Hudson was a beautiful, clear, and VERY hot day!  Between what natural breeze there was and our boat’s speed, we cancelled out any effective breeze.  I’m not a hot weather girl, and I know I whined way too much on this long day’s cruise!  We had had some problem with the generator's fuel line, or we would have fired it up and driven from the enclosed pilot house with a/c!
Finally, we arrived in Kingston, on Rondout Creek off the Hudson.  
We docked at the Hudson River Marine Museum – they have just a few spaces, and we were able to get in.  The museum was very nicely done, very informative and enjoyable.  The museum was free for boaters docked there!  
There was an entire section about the Erie Canal, which we will reach in about two more days.  What an undertaking that was!  President Jefferson thought it was a crazy plan, so refused to fund it.  Far-thinking Governor Clinton supported it, and the State of New York got it done.  The State was repaid their cost in just about 12 years.  The Canal reduced the cost of shipping by 90% - it is what made New York City the major port it is today and why New York is called “The Empire State”.  I was particularly interested in the photographs of the children who lived their lives with their parents on canal boats.  It must have been a hard and interesting existence!  What stories they must have had as they grew into adults.  
There was a volunteer there at the museum whose job it is to dust the many meticulously constructed model boats – many are quite old.  Such a tedious, but such an important job!
Kingston is another nice town, nestled on the banks of the Rondout Creek.  We ate in a couple of their restaurants near the waterfront.  We had some liquid libation in a small bar, where some local guys hang out.  I asked them why there was only Yankee and Mets banners on the walls!  We had fun bantering back and forth.  
One morning, as I walked into our galley, I saw several heads smoothly passing the boat.  When I got my camera and exited the back door, I saw the very long scow (about 63 feet!) with 8 rowers coming in to the floating dock.  They keep the scows and paddles there next to the museum.  Very cool to see them in operation, and how they had to exit the vessel (very carefully and only two at a time to keep it balanced).
Dan and I got our doggie fix one evening – a man came with his two dogs to the grassy area by the docks.  We sat with him and the pups, who graciously allowed us to pet and love on them.
One note about bridges – there are many across the Hudson, and I took pictures of most of them.  I think they might be one of the most beautiful structures that man has created.  I didn’t bother collecting the names of these bridges, just collected pictures from our vantage point.  It is interesting to first barely discern that a bridge is up there, then to see its image develop, and then to see it from just below on the river.  Love it!
early one morning, a sculling crew!

interesting to watch them dismount!

pretty sand very old sailing ship that takes folks out - 

The following pictures are all from our three days on the Hudson River.  Most have no labels - we just enjoyed the scenery!

get ready for some pretty bridges

beautiful view from the Hudson

West Point

West Point

time for co-captain to run the boat!

New York Harbor to Half Moon Bay, West Point tour,August 28, 2018

We had so hoped to have someone take our boat’s picture as we passed the Statue of Liberty.  No luck in that respect!  We left early to take advantage of the tides – we get about 2 knots of free speed when we do that.  We did enjoy going past the Statue and The City – wow, it took forever to get past!   
The Hudson River will be our path for the next few days, and it is lovely:  low, wooded hills, with higher mountains in the distance; pretty homes and communities interspersed along the way.  Our first stop past NYC is in Croton-on-Hudson, at the Half Moon Bay Marina.  Steve, the dockmaster, went out of his way to make us comfortable.  The marina is in fact a ‘dockuminium’, surrounded by 3 story condominiums. 
We rented a car for one day, and toured the ‘New’ Croton Dam nearby.  So glad we went!  It was a beautiful dam and lake and surrounding countryside.  

sunset from Staten island

Brooklyn Bridge (I think!)

Brooklyn Bridge

Hazy New York skyline

and we get closer

There she is!

Does this tower make me look fat??

She is beautiful!

gorgeous boat we passed

There, now we can see it better!

Ellis Island

Told you I love bridges!!

Next are the pictures from the Croton On Hudson Dam and park....

gorgeous water fall from the dam

massive wall forming the dam

another view of the beautiful bridge and waterfall

couldn't stop taking pictures!

downstream from the dam

I could stay in this spot forever....

moving water over stones...captivating

view of the dam from the bridge above

looking downstream from top of the dam

breathtakingly beautiful

overflow from the dam

lake behind the dam

rushing water after the dam

view of the park from top of dam

The next morning, we drove to West Point Academy.  We took the bus tour of the huge facility, and our guide was very good at telling us stories and traditions of the Academy.  I was moved to tears several times.  Their museum of a cadet’s life was excellent. 
My favorite story was about General Patton.  He took 5 years to finish the program, normally 4 years.  Turns out he had dyslexia, undiagnosed, and he overcame it himself.  When asked why it took him 5 years, he reportedly said it was because he couldn’t find the library.  His statue is in front of the library, with his back facing the building and a pair of binoculars in his hand!  Love the humor of that!

West Point from above

West Point Chapel

organ pipes

stained glass windows

after each service, someone comes in with ruler to reset all the books

side aisle

bigger view

this side door is for a prospective wife who changes her mind...

Dan leaving by side door...

looking over the campus

now we can prove we were there!

Hudson River unmarred by our presence!


our guide talking about this memorial

guns captured by our Army

more of the campus

Patton's statue

from inside the museum

more museum

West Point's motto